GemLabTools - Gemological Schools & Institutions
Here you will find information and links to some of the most accredited gemological schools, institutions and associations from around the world.
Gemological Study & Education
GIA Gemological Institute of America The GIA is probably the foremost influential institute in the world. They provide excellent education and have locations worldwide. The GIA have created Gemological Sciences procedures which have been accepted worldwide by the industry. To study with the GIA can be a little pricey but the standard is amongst the best.
AGS American Gem Society Established in 1934 It was their vision to create an association dedicated to setting and maintaining the highest possible standards of business ethics and professionalism in the jewelry industry.
ISG International School of Gemology A web based tuition portal that offers training in gemology from home. Courses can be applied for online.
AIGS Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences Exceptional educational courses and facilities. The AIGS offers Accredited Gemologist courses whilst offering the student an environment in the heart of the gemstone world. The prices are very reasonable and this course if highly recommended. For more information about studying with the AIGS goto our study gemology in Thailand page.
DCA Diamond Council of America The Diamond Council of America (DCA) is a non-profit organisation was founded in 1944 as a forum to educate jewelry sales professionals about diamonds and gems.